Sunday, October 19, 2008


It's been a month since my last post. Amazing how quickly time gets away. Sometimes I think it's only been a week or so since I last spoke to someone, or received an email, and then all of a sudden a month has passed!

So lets play a little 'ketchup':

1. The babies worked two days on the new TV show The Mentalist. Simon Baker was so cool--he was playing with the girls and making jokes with us. And the Assistant Director was incredibly nice and even sent me this picture with me, Maitlyn and Simon.
Everyone loved the girls (but what's not to love?).
The episode should air on CBS Tuesday, November 11 at 9/8c.

2. We also spent 2 weeks in Las Vegas shooting a new movie called 'The Hangover'. It's directed by the same guy who did Old School and Road Trip, so it will probably be a total guy movie. Laura had never been to Vegas before, so she was like Dorothy at the gates of Oz when we got there. It was fun, but exhausting and very, very hot.

They hired 3 sets of twins to play 1 baby in the movie.

Our only day on film--by the pool at Caesar's Palace.

It seemed like in one week Maitlyn and Braiden turned into little girls. They now stand up,
crawl, have teeth (Braiden has two on the bottom, Maitlyn--aka Snaggletooth--only has one on the bottom) and babble incessantly.

They have discovered the joy of Peek-a-Boo!

They also got their first cold the day we flew to Vegas. Sucking snot is akin to baby torture. And having to do it twice is parent torture. I got one of those battery operated snot suckers, which works well enough but is rather disgusting to clean. I'll spare you the gross imagery.

What babies with runny noses get to look forward to!

I will try to be more diligent in my postings, but I can't promise anything. It took four days just to write this one!