Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Warp Speed

So when I said in a previous post they were growing so quickly, I misspoke: they are changing at warp speed. It's been a little over a week since they started babbling, and now they are 'talking' nonstop. Maitlyn is minutes away from crawling on all fours and Braiden can sit up all by herself. She also pulled herself up to standing yesterday, not too long after she threw her first temper tantrum. We are going to have our hands full with these two headstrong girls.
Whenever we are out and other parents of twins see us, they always say, "The first year is the hardest. If you can make it through the first year, everything gets easier." That makes me a little concerned, since the first year thus far has been fairly mellow. I'm worried they are going to start walking and talking and all hell will break loose. Or maybe we'll get really lucky and the second year will be like a vacation.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Baa Baa Braiden

Here's a little taste of Braiden's new one-syllable vocabulary. And no, the sound didn't go out midway through--she just decided to mouth the 'word' instead.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Pictures

There are lots of photo albums of the babies on our Web Gallery

So fast

It's amazing how quickly the girls are growing. They are already quick little scooters (I like to put them on the floor for baby races) and have even started rocking on their knees. Saturday Braiden started saying "ba ba ba" and Maitlyn followed suit just yesterday. I tried to record it, but they stop talking once they see the camera.

We had to take the bumper pads out of their cribs because they were pulling down on them. Now at nap time, since they can see each other through the rails, all we hear are squeals of delight. I think they could entertain each other for hours. Yesterday when I went in, Braiden had pulled Maitlyn's lovie and pacifier into her own crib. I think our nap schedule is in serious trouble.

Maitlyn the scooter...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The commercial

My husband, the tech guru, downloaded the commercial from our DVR. Click on the link to see it.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Brian is out of town tonight and Laura was at work, so it was just the girls and I for dinner. We played 'You Can't Get Me' (Cousin Pierce's favorite) in the high chairs for about half an hour after they finished eating. They were laughing so hard and having so much fun. I tried to sear the experience into my brain, knowing that in a year or so I'll look back on this time with such nostalgia. These babies are so much fun. Everyday I think about how absolutely blessed we are to have such wonderful girls in our lives.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


My sister and I were watching a recorded episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8 (the show that makes me feel like having twins is a walk in the park) and we saw the girls' State Farm commercial!! They filmed it back in April and we got a residual check last month, but we still hadn't seen it. I searched all over the internet, but no sign of it. We watched it about 10 times. The first shot is of Braiden, then Maitlyn, then Braiden smiles at the actor at the end. It flips back and forth between the girls and a dummy baby, but you can totally tell who our cute babies are. Keep an eye out for it!