Monday, November 17, 2008

Sick Babies

We had our first round of the stomach flu this weekend. Oh so fun. Maitlyn woke up puking Thursday night, Braiden followed suit Saturday night. And to top it off, Brian and I got sick Saturday night as well. Nothing like a house full of sick people. Luckily Laura pulled morning duty while Brian and I tried to recover. And Sheila (Grandma) came over to baby sit while we recovered some more. I have a new found respect for the Gosselin family (of Jon & Kate Plus 8 fame). I could not imagine having 8 sick kids at once. Two was bad enough.

I will spare you all pictures of this weekend's festivities...

1 comment:

Santiago said...

There aren't enough comments on your blog! I'm so sorry (about the sickness). Been there, done that, I'm so sorry. It really is SO miserable.