The girls have moved to new beds. And like getting rid of the pacifiers, they did it before we were quite ready.
We've had the beds in their new room for a few weeks--Brian painted them and the girls picked out sheets for them. We've let them play on them from time to time and have been talking up when they get to move to their new beds. Then, last week, I briefly mentioned something about taking a nap in their new beds--I thought I'd give them a choice just to plant the seed. Much to my surprise, they both wanted to sleep in the new beds, and ended up taking over a 2 hour nap!!! And then that night, they wanted to sleep in the new beds again, and slept through the night without a sound! Who knew?!! Unfortunately, the second day wasn't as successful--no nap and then waking every 3 hours at night. But the third night seemed to be the charm, as they slept through the night again, then got up in the morning and were reading quietly in their rooms when we went to get them. I guess the cribs were just too small for them. We've moved everything to the new room and they haven't looked back. I kind of wish we had done this earlier--they seem so happy now in their new room. Hopefully they won't regress when they see the new baby invade their old space.
Here's what we saw on Night 3 of the new beds when we went to check on them:
1 comment:
New beds and big girls!! Babyhood is rushing by and they are growing into "children" with grace and humor.
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