Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Warp Speed

So when I said in a previous post they were growing so quickly, I misspoke: they are changing at warp speed. It's been a little over a week since they started babbling, and now they are 'talking' nonstop. Maitlyn is minutes away from crawling on all fours and Braiden can sit up all by herself. She also pulled herself up to standing yesterday, not too long after she threw her first temper tantrum. We are going to have our hands full with these two headstrong girls.
Whenever we are out and other parents of twins see us, they always say, "The first year is the hardest. If you can make it through the first year, everything gets easier." That makes me a little concerned, since the first year thus far has been fairly mellow. I'm worried they are going to start walking and talking and all hell will break loose. Or maybe we'll get really lucky and the second year will be like a vacation.


Anonymous said...

Ba ba ba, I wonder if those were my first words as well.

Grrpa said...

This simply sears into your brain the truth of the old adage "What goes around, comes around." Enjoy those precious babies.