Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Nap

The girls have a book about a dad who spends all day trying to get his daughter to take a nap, but ends up falling asleep himself instead. This is the illustration from the book:

Saturday I walked into the girls' bedroom and saw this:

Art imitating life or life imitating art?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Triple Stroller

I finally broke down and bought a triple stroller. Caylee was starting to get too heavy for long walks in the Bjorn (while pushing the big girls). When Maitlyn first saw the new stroller, she squealed delightedly, "There are three seats! One for Maitlyn, one for Braiden, and one for Caylee." They have since requested several times to go in the green stroller. It's starting to feel like all the girls are more of a family unit. I can't remember the last time they asked for Caylee to go back in Mommy's tummy. It's nice.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Digital Natives

It's amazing to me how easily technology comes to these girls. They see Brian or I do something on the iPhone or computer one time and can instantly replicate it. And they understand how devices have multiple uses. Today they were playing with our old cell phones (the flip ones we stopped using right after they were born)and were using them to take pictures of their toys. They would tell the toys to say cheese and then say,"That was a good picture monkey/red car/book." I imagine there will be no need for Geek Squads when the girls grow up, since no one will remember a world without cell phones and laptops.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Really Big Sisters

The girls have turned out to be wonderful big sisters. They always give Caylee kisses on her head and bring her toys. The other day Braiden was reading to her (and the monkey, of course). I feel very fortunate that they have been so accepting. We'll have to wait and see what happens when Caylee is mobile and starts getting into their stuff.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Favorite Moments

We put a lot of effort into creating memorable moments for the girls--Sea World, music class, trips to the beach.  However, I find that my favorite moments are the ones that happen among the ordinary day-to-day.  Tonight, I was sitting on our bathroom floor, rocking Maitlyn on my lap, listening to Caylee talking to the fish in the bouncy chair and watching Braiden try to replicate her earlier success of peeing in the potty.  Just us girls, hanging out.  It was wonderful.  I like all the fancy trips and such, but the ordinary moments I really treasure.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Sisters


We have been trying to prepare the girls for their new roles as big sisters. I decided to put one of their baby dolls in a sling to get them used to the idea of seeing me with another baby. Then they decided they wanted to wear a sling too. Braiden was patting the doll's back and Maitlyn was reading to her doll. Hopefully this is a sign of what good big sisters they will be.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Beds

The girls have moved to new beds. And like getting rid of the pacifiers, they did it before we were quite ready.
We've had the beds in their new room for a few weeks--Brian painted them and the girls picked out sheets for them. We've let them play on them from time to time and have been talking up when they get to move to their new beds. Then, last week, I briefly mentioned something about taking a nap in their new beds--I thought I'd give them a choice just to plant the seed. Much to my surprise, they both wanted to sleep in the new beds, and ended up taking over a 2 hour nap!!! And then that night, they wanted to sleep in the new beds again, and slept through the night without a sound! Who knew?!! Unfortunately, the second day wasn't as successful--no nap and then waking every 3 hours at night. But the third night seemed to be the charm, as they slept through the night again, then got up in the morning and were reading quietly in their rooms when we went to get them. I guess the cribs were just too small for them. We've moved everything to the new room and they haven't looked back. I kind of wish we had done this earlier--they seem so happy now in their new room. Hopefully they won't regress when they see the new baby invade their old space.

Here's what we saw on Night 3 of the new beds when we went to check on them:



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Little Kids

When the girls starting walking and first talking, it seemed like they were turning into little people. Now it seems like they are turning into little kids. They are up to almost complete sentences, and can tell you exactly what they want and don't want (No Mommy sit on the chair!). They still have their fights over toys, although today Braiden waited very patiently for her turn while Maitlyn was playing with the measuring tape. She just sat there and watched Maitlyn measure everything from feet to belly button to sofa cushions. It was quite endearing. And Maitlyn's 'sort and organize' gene is manifesting itself more and more each day. Last week she pulled all the clear baskets off the shelf and used them for beds for the CareBears. It is pretty amazing to watch their personalities develop.

Maitlyn's Organizing:

Friday, January 8, 2010


Maitlyn figured out how to slide her books under the bedroom door today, which resulted in a book pile in the hallway. Braiden took advantage of all the books at her feet and started reading.

Once Maitlyn had cleared her shelf of all books, she joined in the reading fun.

We then told the girls it was time to clean up and put all their books back. They started scurrying back and forth like little worker ants. However, when we returned to their room a little later, we found all the books (as well as all the toys from the shelf) in Maitlyn's crib!